CTFF A New Recipient of 2016-17 Cultural Pathways Grant By The California Arts Council
Cambodia Town Film Festival would like to thank the California Arts Council for their very generous support. CTFF recently received notification that we are one of the recipients of a 2016-2017 Cultural Pathways grant. The award will have a considerable impact on this and next year’s festivals.
Incontrovertibly, these generous monies are integral to the success of this festival, which has – since its inauguration in 2013 – become an internationally, nationally, and regionally recognized hub for diasporic Cambodian film and community organizing. Long Beach, California remains a significant site for us as co-organizers insofar as it represents a unique port space and is home to the largest population of those of Cambodian descent outside Southeast Asia; it is also one of the most demographically diverse cities in the United States. As a community-driven arts/culture initiative, the Cambodia Town Film Festival is very much inspired by the possibility of film as a means of engendering dialogue in a manner that is consistent with the foundation’s commitment to arts and culture, which it sees as “illuminating the human condition, nurturing empathy, and expanding a vision of what’s possible.”
We are therefore honored by the support of the California Arts Council, which will enable us to grow both our festival’s mission and reach. We understand that this award was provided via the auspices of a new pilot grant program intended to serve the needs of an increasingly demographically complex California.
Thank you!